The above book cover is "James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl and Illustrate by Quentin Blake.

Roald Dahl has been an all time favorite book among the children. This particular has even made into the blockbuster too.

The color used here are so eye-catching that it makes one to have a second good look. The peach being the main focal occupies almost 80% of the book cover. In addition, the peach was colored so real that you can tell its a peach before you read the title of the book. On the other hand, if the cover was in a small thumbnail size, reader could actually tell by its color and space used in the book.

Other than the wise color choice being made, the illustrator/designer has paid attention to the audience as well. As the targeted audience are mainly children, the style of the book is pretty much more funky and informal. The arthur name was a little unbalance and distorted but it still remain its identity by using the same typeface where everyone is familiar with.

It could be a better book cover if the characters on top of the title were little bigger in size or it could be place on the peach itself. Next up, the illustrator name at the bottom could be a little too prominent, somehow it stands out from the rest of the elements on the book. Instead of a bright purple color, it could be replaced by a lighter soothing color to suit the whole outlook.



Travel with words, meet the world.

Advertising Agency: IESP, João Pessoa, Brazil
Creative Director: Elias Figueiroa
Art Director: Elias Figueiroa
Copywriter: Elias Figueiroa
Published: January 2010

The Print Ad titled Travel with words, Paris was done by Iesp advertising agency for product: Penguin Books (brand: Penguin Books) in Brazil. It was released in the Jan 2010.

It is still readable in thumbnail size because of the use of simple typographic approach to the book cover. Definitely not a bizarre, a very straight forward and clear approach to catch the readers attention.

First great point, it's minimalistic white background and strong bold headings caught our attention at the first glance as compare to the hundreds of books beside it. Second great point, it is a very clever use of typography by the use of "A" as the Eiffel Tower in Paris is so strong that the book cover explains it all even without opening up the book to read. During the night time, Eiffel tower will be lighted up in blue and this explains why blue is used. (see below for reference)

One point we felt could be improve is the use of paper used for the book cover. As you can see, it turned crumpled easily, probably the cover could be made of hard cover or materials that makes the book look more expensive than it is now.


A very controversial book used to depict events which happened during the Russian Revolution which eventually led to the creation of the Soviet Union. This cover was designed by Shepard Fairey.

Red is used in the illustration as it successfully depicts bloodshed, angst and chaos which happened during the Russian Revolution. Red also symbolises rebellious behavior which tells what the story is about. Moreover, red was used in every poster the communists and Nazis had.

The pig is distinctively red as the pig 'ruled' the farm. Although at first it was to oppose the farmer because of his cruelty to the animals and laziness on the farm, it soon began Napoleon's behavior.

The stars seen at the bottom are also symbols which the communists used. It represented the Soviet Union under the rule of the Communist Party, along with a hammer and a sickle.

The hens were depicted with the mouth opened because in the story, the hens had to surrender their eggs against their will. This is similar to the peasant farmers in Russia who had their land collectivized by Stalin. Those who resisted were starved into submission. Which also depicted 4 to 10 million Ukrainian peasants starving to death.

The windmill is right smack in the middle as it portrays the selfishness of the pigs which used other animals for their own gain of power for commercial use. 

At first sight one would want to change the cover alot but after understanding the controversies behind the cover, i would only improve on making the suffering of the animals more apparent as it is with the hens.

All in all, it clearly depicts what the story is about. Even when viewed as a thumbnail size, the red stands out alot and gives one the impression that it is a book about angst and bloodshed.

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