Case Study 01
TWG Tea by Brandon
Not only a tea outlet, they have a restaurant and personalised ice cream with tea flavours, reaching out to not only working and retired adults but kids.

They also sell individually packaged tea or one can purchase ready made ones at the outlets.
They have many different types of packaging which carries the TWG logo strongly. People from afar can tell it is from TWG by its colour and dinstinctive oval shape of the logo around the bold logo.
Not relying on advertisements much, it gives people the impression that they do not need advertisements and rely purely on the quality of the tea (which they emphasise) to attract people. And through that, the word of mouth.

The grandeur of the restaurants emit the classiness of having tea and brings one back to the olden days, almost back to the era of 1837, where it started.
 Info can be found at

Case Study 02
Handburger by Dorries

Mind Mapping
Group discussing during tutorials

Mood Board
Inspired by swirls and curls as it relate to ice cream.
Inspired by paper crafts as reference from handburger branding.

Art Direction
  • 80s to 90s
  • non eco friendly
  • non-halal 

Colour Scheme
Clean and simple

Exploration of Slogan / Tagline
  • It meant no harm
  • The truth beneath 
  • Just this once
  • The only deception in bite size
  • Tease by arousing
  • Less guilty to your lies
  • You only live once
  • Its a sin not to feel sinful
  • Between ice cream & fries lies obession
  • Obey your cravings
  • Obey your curiosity 
  • Can't stop lying
  • Sometimes you just gotta lie
  • You teach us how
  • Reveal your true colour


  • To create a novelty from average food


  • To serve bizarre in a conventional way
Product Development

Pardon the bad drawing,
  • using the concept of brush dipping into tins of paint as fries in a cone dipping into ice cream or vice versa
  • The brush as fries and cone and ice cream as paint
  • probably can use the different kind of paint as the different flavour of ice cream

- dorries - 

- russell -

- shawn - 

- brandon -

Logo Explorations
In combination of "Handburger's" simplicity and Mood-board 1,
We've came out with a draft look of the logo. This is not the final, might require more developments and explorations.

- Russell -

- Szes -

- Dorries -

- Shawn -



If i tell a lie, only i know. Unless i tell you the 'lies' is inverted, you won't know.
- Brandon -


Discussion Progress
WHITE LIES \\ 5 Jan 2012
DEADLINE: 1 Feb 2012 (most probably will extend due to CNY)

Packaging – Joanne, Szeli, Metta
  •        Including Food Menu
Marketing (POS) – Shawn, Brandon, Clairin
  •         Interior
  •         Application of logo
  •         Marketing ideas
  •         Branding
  •         Finalize the slogan
  •         10 white lies
Advertising – Russell, Dorries, Shimin, Roger
  •          posters
  •         web
  •         direct mailer
  •         multimedia (play dough idea?)
  •        Logo
Suggestions & Question raised

- TOWN (scape / cineleisure)
– If landmark is ideal can create shop front outside eg, esplanade

Franchising (secondary)
- eg, expanding of menu, within 3km from train station, the t&c & advises, how food is pack.
- easy to franchise, mcdonalds, ben&jerry

- Drips of white spots on shirt, photography?
- Something along the branding (white lies)
- Quirky, Funky & funny
- Colour palette
- Enhance the strokes of logo, strokes can be fuller (icecream)
-  Telling a story!!
- Styling for print ad
- Play dough
- Illustration (Flipping of paper to achieve effects)
- Storyboard of sketches
- Stock motion (animated scene)

* What would people achieve when they come to white lies?

Brand personality
- styling, lifestyle, who will be our endorsement? (Johnny depp?)
- The noose personality? (mix personality)
- Relieving of youth??
Quirky, Funky & funny

• Kindly ADD your slogan if you have any and VOTE for your choice by Friday, 6 Jan 2359. Tyvm!
  • Just this once
  • The only deception in bite size
  • Tease by arousing
  • Less guilty to your lies
  • You only live once
  • Its a sin not to feel sinful
  • Between ice cream & fries lies obession
  • Obey your cravings - 1
  • Obey your curiosity 
  • Can't stop lying
  • You teach us how
  • Revel - Revel it, Reveal your true color, Revel the truth
Colour References
7 Deadly Sins (vices and tendacies of misdeeds) -- Colour Reference

- colours of 7 sins on ice cream
Comments? :)

Green - ENVY
Violet - PRIDE
Red - WRATH (anger/hatred/rage)
Light Blue - SLOTH
Blue - LUST
Yellow - GREED
Orange - Gluttony

ALL colours suggested are subjective as different culture depicts colour in many ways.
Website to link : 7 Deadly Sins Represented

Confirm Color Scheme - 11 Jan 2012

Letterhead & Business Card

Product Packaging Developments
Idea Development 01: 
Idea Development 02:

Idea Development 03:

Idea Development 04:

Idea Development 05:

Final Packaging Development [Dine In]:

Final Packaging Development [Dine Out]:
Final Packaging For 1st Presentation:





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